Decimals and Percentages - Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages - Presentation
Maths Resource Description
In the lesson on Equivalent Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages (F.D.P.), students delve into the interconnections between these three numerical representations. The session starts with a discussion on the meaning of 'equivalent' and examples that illustrate this concept, such as showing that 40% is the same as 0.4 and 2/5. The first activity involves using a bead string to help visualise and convert decimals into both percentages and simplified fractions. For instance, students learn that 0.60 is equivalent to 60% and 3/5, 0.5 is the same as 50% and 1/2, 0.10 translates to 10% and 1/10, and 0.25 corresponds to 25% and 1/4.
Building on this, the next activity uses a bar model to assist students in converting fractions into percentages and decimals, reinforcing their understanding of equivalence. Examples include converting 1/2 to 50% and 0.5, 3/4 to 75% and 0.75, 7/10 to 70% and 0.7, and 2/5 to 40% and 0.4. Another activity encourages students to place different representations of F.D.P. on a number line, helping them visualise their relative values. Additionally, reasoning exercises challenge students to categorise various fractions, decimals, and percentages based on their size relative to 1/2 and to solve practical problems involving money and percentages. For instance, when Zach spends a third of his £45 on a jacket and 50% on toys, students calculate he has £7.5 left. In a game scenario, Tia's success rates at different levels are compared, with students determining that she achieved the highest success rate of 80% at Level B.