Decimals and Percentages - Decimals up to 2 Decimal Places - Presentation

Year 5
Decimals and Percentages - Decimals up to 2 Decimal Places - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a comprehensive lesson on decimals and percentages, students are introduced to the concept of decimals up to two decimal places. The lesson begins with an exploration of what decimal places mean and prompts students to provide examples of numbers with two decimal places. Through a series of engaging activities, the lesson aims to deepen the understanding of place value in the context of decimals. The first activity uses a place value chart to help students identify the ones, tenths, and hundredths in a given number. For instance, a chart showing 0 ones, 3 tenths, and 2 hundredths would represent the number 0.32. This visual representation on the chart aids students in grasping how to correctly write and interpret decimal numbers.

Building on this foundation, subsequent activities involve representing different decimal numbers on place value charts and completing sentences that describe the number of ones, tenths, and hundredths in each number. For example, the number 1.52 is broken down into its constituent parts on the chart, which helps students to visualise and understand the value of each digit. Students also engage in reasoning tasks, such as proving that a number like 0.53 can be partitioned in multiple ways, challenging the misconception that there is only one way to do so. The lesson includes independent work where students represent numbers, determine the value of underlined digits, and match descriptions to the correct numbers. The session concludes with a discussion that reinforces key concepts and encourages students to consider the practical applications of decimal numbers.

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