Decimals and Percentages - Percentages as Fractions and Decimals - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In a Year 5 mathematics lesson, students explore the concept of percentages as both fractions and decimals. The class begins with a review of previous learning, where students recall how to represent percentages using the denominator of 100. The first activity introduces a visual conversion table, illustrating how percentages can be depicted pictorially and then recorded as both a fraction and a decimal. For example, a 100 square grid with 55 shaded squares represents 55%, which is equivalent to the fraction 55/100 and the decimal 0.55. Students are given opportunities to practice this conversion with various shaded grids, enhancing their understanding of how a percentage translates into a fraction and a decimal, using place value knowledge.
Further activities include solving worded problems that require converting a given fraction into a percentage and a decimal, such as determining the proportion of shampoo used from a bottle. Students learn to convert the fraction to an equivalent with 100 as the denominator to find the percentage and decimal form. They discuss in pairs the steps needed to make these conversions for fractions with different denominators. The lesson also involves group work and independent exercises using differentiated worksheets to deepen their fluency and reasoning skills. By the end of the lesson, students are expected to understand the relationship between percentages, fractions, and decimals, and be able to convert between these forms of numerical representation, overcoming common misconceptions about these proportional relationships.