Decimals and Percentages - Decimals up to 2 Decimal Places - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In a structured Year 5 lesson plan focusing on decimals and percentages, students delve into the world of decimals up to two decimal places. The National Curriculum objectives for this module include reading, writing, ordering, and comparing numbers with up to three decimal places, as well as recognising and using thousandths and relating them to tenths, hundredths, and their decimal equivalents. Key vocabulary such as 'decimal', 'decimal place', 'place value', 'column', 'digit', 'fraction', 'numerator', and 'denominator' are introduced to provide a solid foundation for understanding the concepts. Students are encouraged to visit a website for vocabulary cards and definitions to enhance their learning experience. The lesson commences with a review of previous knowledge, followed by activities using place value counters and charts to visualise and make numbers with up to two decimal places.
During the lesson, students engage in hands-on activities where they use place value charts to identify the number of ones, tenths, and hundredths in a decimal figure. They also discuss the significance of each column's name and the concept of partitioning decimals into tenths and hundredths. This is further reinforced through group work and independent activities that involve reasoning and problem-solving tasks, such as matching descriptions to correct numbers and partitioning decimals in multiple ways. The lesson plan caters to different levels of understanding, with tasks designed to aid students working towards fluency, as well as those who are expected to achieve greater depth. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' exercise where students consider what they've learned, the skills they've used and found tricky, the resources that aided their learning, and what they promise to remember from the lesson.