Fractions - Using Fractions as Operators - Planning

Year 5
Fractions - Using Fractions as Operators - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the Year 5 curriculum, students delve into the concept of using fractions as operators in a lesson that integrates their understanding of fractions with multiplication and division. The lesson is structured with a starter activity that revisits previous knowledge, followed by class teaching input where students are introduced to bar models to visually represent calculations like 5× 2/5 and 2/5 of 5. Through partner discussions, they explore the similarities and differences between these calculations, discovering that while the methods differ—one being repeated addition and the other a fraction of an amount—the results are the same. Students then apply these concepts in independent learning activities, using bar models to solve a variety of problems and comparing the efficiency of multiplication versus finding a fraction of an amount.

The lesson progresses with activities that challenge students to fill in missing fractions and amounts in calculation statements, reinforcing the commutative property of multiplication. Working in small groups, they engage in reasoning tasks that require them to choose the most efficient method for calculations, and solve problems to determine an unknown starting amount. The plenary session wraps up the lesson, ensuring students have grasped key concepts and the link between fractions as operators and fractions of amounts. The lesson also caters to different levels of understanding, providing opportunities for students to work towards fluency, achieve expected levels, or demonstrate greater depth in their knowledge by using both methods in calculations and solving more complex problems.

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