Fractions - Order Fractions (More Than One) - Planning

Year 5
Fractions - Order Fractions (More Than One) - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the Year 5 Spring term, students delve into the world of fractions, specifically focusing on the ability to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator or denominators that are multiples of the same number. The curriculum objectives are reinforced with key vocabulary such as 'proper fraction', 'improper fraction', 'numerator', 'denominator', and 'equivalent fraction', among others. The lesson in question, 'Order Fractions – More Than One', equips children with the skills to compare and order fractions that are greater than 1, building on their existing ability to order fractions less than 1. The resources provided include worksheets and presentations, while vocabulary cards and definitions are accessible on the associated website to enhance learning.

During the lesson, students will engage with improper fractions and mixed numbers, using bar modelling and common numerators to order them. They will learn to find a common denominator by identifying a multiple common to all denominators in a set of fractions. Through group work and independent activities, children will practice these skills, with differentiated worksheets catering to various levels of understanding. The lesson aims to solidify their grasp of key concepts through reasoning and problem-solving exercises, where they will order fractions, work out possible numbers within given ranges, and insert missing integers, numerators, and denominators into ordered sets of mixed numbers and improper fractions. The lesson concludes with a reflection on the skills learned, the strategies that were effective, and a commitment to remember the key steps in ordering fractions.

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