Multiplication and Division (2) - Multiply 4 digits by 2-digits - Presentation

Maths Resource Description
In a mathematics lesson focused on advancing multiplication skills, Year 5 students are challenged to multiply four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. The presentation includes a series of Fluency & Reasoning Teaching Slides that guide students through the process of long multiplication. The lesson begins with a review, asking students to recall the method for multiplying three or four-digit numbers by a two-digit number. This sets the stage for the day's objective, which involves practising and becoming proficient at this more complex level of multiplication.
The lesson provides a structured approach to learning, starting with a worked example that breaks down the multiplication process into understandable steps. Students are shown how to multiply each digit of the two-digit number by the four-digit number, carefully aligning the results and then adding them together to find the final answer. For instance, the example given illustrates how to multiply 2,305 by 32, showing the intermediate steps of multiplying by 2 and then by 30 before combining the two products to reach the solution of 73,760. Following the guided practice, students are encouraged to work independently, cutting out questions and methodically working through the calculations in their workbooks, thereby reinforcing their understanding and application of the multiplication method.