Place value - Counting in Powers of 10 - Planning

Year 5
Place value - Counting in Powers of 10 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the second week of Autumn term, Year 5 students delve into the concept of counting in powers of 10 as part of their number and place value studies. The lesson aims to strengthen their understanding of number sequences and the rules that govern them. Utilising resources such as worksheets and a presentation, the children engage with key vocabulary, including terms like 'power of 10', 'number sequence', 'positive numbers', and 'negative numbers'. They begin by revisiting prior knowledge through a starter activity that sets the stage for learning how to identify and apply term-to-term rules, such as adding or subtracting 10.

During the class, students are presented with various activities to deepen their comprehension. The first activity involves solving a number sequence puzzle by deducing the rule and identifying missing terms. In the second activity, they critique sequences with intentional errors, practicing their skills in spotting and correcting mistakes. The third activity uses a Gattegno chart to manipulate numbers by applying powers of ten, aiming for a target number. Group discussions and independent work through differentiated worksheets further enhance their fluency and reasoning abilities. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' session, where students assess what they've learned, the skills they've utilised, and any challenges they faced. Differentiated objectives cater to varying levels of mastery, from working towards fluency to achieving greater depth in understanding and applying the rules of number sequences.

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