Properties of Shape - Horizontal and Vertical - Planning

Year 4
Properties of Shape - Horizontal and Vertical - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 4 lesson focusing on the Properties of Shape, students delve into the concepts of horizontal and vertical lines, along with symmetry. The lesson aims to help children identify these lines within various contexts, as well as recognise horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry in different shapes and symbols. Essential vocabulary such as angle, right angle, vertical, horizontal, and symmetry are introduced. The lesson begins with a starter activity where students complete 'fluent in four' questions to refresh their previous knowledge. A combination of class teaching and practical activities, including using post-it notes and partner work, enables students to explore and label horizontal and vertical lines around the classroom. These visual aids remain in the classroom as learning prompts.

Progressing to Activity 3, the lesson extends to identifying lines of symmetry. Students recap the definition of symmetry and use hands-on methods, such as mirrors, to determine if shapes possess horizontal or vertical symmetry and to articulate their reasoning. A creative task challenges the children to write their name in capital letters and draw the lines of symmetry they observe. For further engagement, students are encouraged to sort letters into groups using a Venn diagram. The lesson addresses common misconceptions, particularly around identifying central dividing lines, and concludes with reflective questions that encourage students to consider what they have learned about symmetry and the identification of horizontal and vertical lines. Differentiated activities cater to varying levels of understanding, from recognising examples of lines in simple shapes to creating original shapes that demonstrate symmetry.

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