Time - Analogue to Digital 24 hour- Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
This worksheet is designed to enhance children's understanding of time conversion from analogue to the 24-hour digital format. Students continue to develop their skills in reading 24-hour times and apply their knowledge by practising with o'clock, half past, quarter to, and quarter past times. The objective is for the children to solve problems that involve predicting what the time will be on a digital clock after a certain number of hours have passed. This exercise not only reinforces their ability to convert times but also encourages them to think ahead and solve time-based problems.
Another aspect of the worksheet focuses on fluency and precision, where students are tasked with writing specific times as 24-hour digital times. They are given scenarios such as Jon leaving his house in the evening and arriving at his destination an hour later, and they must calculate what the time will be on a digital clock. This is practised with various time increments, from minutes to several hours later. Additionally, the worksheet includes reasoning and problem-solving questions where children must identify the odd one out from a series of times and explain their reasoning. This challenges them to critically analyse the times and distinguish between morning and evening times, as well as to observe minute differences between the given times.