Time - Analogue to Digital 12 hour- Planning

Year 4
Time - Analogue to Digital 12 hour- Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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A lesson plan aimed at Year 4 students focuses on converting time from analogue to digital format within a 12-hour clock system. The lesson starts with a recap of previous learning and a practical activity called 'Last Clock Standing' where students identify times on analogue clocks. The class then explores where they have seen analogue and digital clocks, discussing similarities and differences, and recognising that both display equivalent times. The main activities involve showing times on an analogue clock and asking children to match these times, converting them into digital format, and explaining their reasoning. Through partner work and interactive sentence completion exercises, students practice converting and understanding the concept of AM and PM.

Throughout the lesson, children engage in independent learning with differentiated worksheets tailored to their levels of understanding, from recognising basic times such as 'o'clock' and 'half past', to more complex intervals and calculating time before or after given minutes. Key questions prompt students to think about the minutes past the hour and how to count them efficiently using the 5 times table. The lesson addresses common misconceptions, such as the confusion between the clock face and analogue numbers. A reflective 'Give me five' activity at the end of the lesson encourages students to consider what they have learned, the skills they have used, any challenges faced, and the support that helped them during the lesson. This comprehensive approach ensures students gain a solid understanding of time conversion and are able to apply these skills in real-world contexts.

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