Money - Converting Pounds and Pence - Presentation

Year 4
Money - Converting Pounds and Pence - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In today's lesson, students will delve into the practical mathematics of currency conversion, specifically focusing on converting pence into pounds and pence. The fundamental question posed to the students is whether they can recall the number of pence in a pound, which is crucial for understanding the conversion process. The lesson includes interactive activities where students group coins to total 100 pence, determine the number of whole pounds, and calculate any remaining pence. Through these exercises, they learn to write the total amount in the format of pounds and pence, enhancing their fluency and reasoning skills regarding money.

The lesson continues with a series of engaging activities designed to reinforce the concept of currency conversion. Students are tasked with writing various amounts in pounds and pence, starting with sums like 280p, 175p, and extending to more challenging amounts such as 799p. Additionally, reasoning exercises challenge students to think critically. For example, they might explore different combinations of coins that add up to a specific amount, or assess whether a character in a given scenario has correctly calculated the total value of their coins. These activities not only solidify their understanding of currency conversion but also encourage systematic thinking and problem-solving related to real-world financial literacy.

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