Decimals - Hundredths on a Place value Grid - Worksheet

Year 4
Decimals - Hundredths on a Place value Grid - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet titled "Hundredths on Place Value Grid" is an educational resource aimed at enhancing children's understanding of hundredths and their placement within the decimal system. The exercises guide children through the process of reading and representing hundredths on a place value grid, where they learn that the hundredths column is situated to the right of the decimal point and the tenths column. Through hands-on activities, students use concrete representations to construct numbers with tenths and hundredths, and then they are tasked with writing these numbers in decimal form. The sheet includes a variety of tasks, such as identifying decimals based on place value grid representations and completing sentences to reinforce their comprehension of decimal place values.

Furthering their mathematical fluency and precision, students are required to write the decimal represented in each place value grid and finish the given stem sentences. For example, they would need to identify that with 0 ones, 1 tenth, and 2 hundredths, the decimal represented is 0.12. In addition to these exercises, the worksheet also presents reasoning and problem-solving challenges. Students are asked to create different numbers using a set number of counters on a place value grid, exploring the various combinations possible with ones, tenths, and hundredths. They must then describe the numbers they've made, adding an extra layer of critical thinking to their learning experience. The worksheet is designed to promote a deeper understanding of decimals and place value, essential concepts in mathematics education.

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