Decimals - Divide 1-Digit by 10 - Worksheet

Year 4
Decimals - Divide 1-Digit by 10 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

AI generated

The worksheet focuses on the concept of dividing 1-digit numbers by 10, helping children understand that this process involves splitting the number into 10 equal parts, making it 10 times smaller. To visualise this, children use counters on a place value chart, observing how the digits shift when divided by 10. This exercise reinforces the use of zero as a placeholder and allows children to practice with pictorial images, solving multistep questions, and completing missing number problems. The aim is to build a solid foundation for children to grasp the idea of division by 10, using an efficient method and understanding the movement of digits on a place value chart.

Further exercises include fluency and precision tasks where children are asked to look at a place value chart, identify numbers, and then divide them by 10 by moving the counters one column to the right. This visual representation helps them realise that when dividing by 10, the digits move one place to the right, transforming ones into tenths. Additionally, reasoning and problem-solving activities require children to use a Gattegno chart, where they choose a digit card and place a counter over the corresponding number, then complete number sentences to demonstrate their understanding of division by 10. The activities aim to develop children's numerical reasoning and problem-solving skills in a practical and engaging way.

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