Decimals - Tenths on a Place Value Grid - Worksheet

Year 4
Decimals - Tenths on a Place Value Grid - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

The worksheet provides an engaging opportunity for children to deepen their understanding of decimals, specifically focusing on tenths and their representation on a place value grid. The exercises are designed to help students read and identify the tenths column, which is positioned to the right of the decimal point. Through the use of concrete representations, children learn to construct tenths on the grid and express the numbers they have created in decimal form. The worksheet also introduces decimals greater than one, where students practice writing the decimals depicted in the place value chart and corresponding partitioned number sentences.

Building on their fluency and precision, the worksheet challenges students to complete sentences that describe the decimal represented, identifying the number of ones and tenths. For example, they might encounter a place value chart with certain ones and tenths filled in and must then articulate the decimal it represents. The worksheet includes a variety of exercises where children use partitioned number sentences to complete the place value chart and describe the resulting decimal. These activities not only consolidate their knowledge of decimals but also enhance their problem-solving skills as they explore different combinations of ones and tenths to create various numbers.

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