Decimals - Round Decimals - Starter

Year 4
Decimals - Round Decimals - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise for Year 4 students, set in the Summer Term of Week 2, Day 3, is aimed at enhancing their mathematical fluency with a focus on rounding decimals. The task begins with the concept that the number of tenths in a decimal helps determine its proximity to the nearest whole number. For instance, students are asked to consider which whole number the decimal 1.3 is closer to and similarly for 9.7. This exercise reinforces the understanding of decimal places and rounding rules. Additionally, students are presented with a practical problem involving the distribution of 33 balloons between 3 party bags, prompting them to calculate the number of balloons per bag.

Alongside decimals, the exercise includes a challenge to complete a series of equivalent fractions, further testing the students' understanding of numerical relationships and equivalence. The fractions are presented in halves, and students must find the missing numbers that would make them equal to one half. These activities combined aim to build confidence in handling decimals, multiplication, division, and fractions, which are fundamental elements of the mathematics curriculum for Year 4. The exercise is designed to be both educational and engaging, helping students to master these concepts through practice and application.

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