Decimals - Divide 1 or 2 Digits by 100 - Starter
Maths Resource Description
The 'Fluent in Four' programme is a series of educational resources designed to enhance students' mathematical skills, specifically tailored for Year 4 pupils. Each slide within the programme presents four questions that are intended to be completed within a set time frame, starting from Year 2 and beyond. The questions are structured to progressively challenge the students: the first question reviews the previous lesson's material, the next two questions serve as revision from the prior year's curriculum, and the final question is focused on arithmetic. This system is particularly supportive for children who find it difficult to read from white backgrounds, as the slides feature blue backgrounds for enhanced readability. Students have the option to use whiteboards for their responses or to utilise printable versions of the starter activities. Additionally, some questions are separated by a line to indicate different difficulty levels, allowing children to choose the question they feel most comfortable answering.
These 'Fluent in Four' activities are not only a practical tool for revising essential mathematical concepts but also for catching up on any learning gaps the pupils might have. The activities cover a range of topics, including calculations involving decimals, understanding place value, and basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For instance, students are asked to complete stem sentences that help them identify the number of ones, tenths, and hundredths in a given decimal, and to perform calculations such as adding and subtracting lengths of ribbon in different units of measurement. The programme also includes exercises that help students understand fractions and the division of numbers by 100, furthering their comprehension of decimals and place value. Overall, the 'Fluent in Four' resources are designed to be a versatile and effective tool for reinforcing key mathematical skills in a structured and engaging manner.