Decimals - Round Decimals - Presentation

Year 4
Decimals - Round Decimals - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The presentation on rounding decimals is a comprehensive set of teaching slides aimed at enhancing students' fluency and reasoning skills with decimals. In Lesson 8, students are introduced to the concept of rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, and they are encouraged to draw parallels between rounding whole numbers and rounding decimal numbers. The lesson prompts students to discuss and apply the rules of rounding as they engage with the material. This foundational understanding is crucial as students begin to explore how to accurately round decimal numbers in various contexts.

Activities within the presentation are designed to challenge students to identify the whole numbers between which given decimals lie, and then to determine which whole number a decimal is closer to, thus rounding it accordingly. For example, students are presented with sequences of decimals, such as 5.1 to 5.9, and asked to round them to the nearest whole number, considering whether they lie closer to 5 or 6. Additional exercises involve completing sentences that describe the relationship between decimals and their nearest whole number, and circling numbers that round up. Through these activities, students develop a deeper understanding of the decimal system, rounding rules, and how to apply these concepts in practical situations.

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