Decimals - Divide 1 or 2 Digits by 100 - Presentation

Year 4
Decimals - Divide 1 or 2 Digits by 100 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In this set of educational resources, students are guided through the process of dividing 1- or 2-digit numbers by 100, with a focus on the subject of decimals. The materials include a series of fluency and reasoning teaching slides that encourage students to explore the concept of division in the context of place value. The activities begin with a discussion prompt, asking students to compare dividing by 10 and by 100, and to understand the similarities and differences between the two operations. Using a place value chart, learners are shown how to shift counters representing a single-digit number two places to the right to divide by 100, transforming the number into tenths and hundredths. For example, dividing 4 by 100 results in 0.04, and dividing 5 by 100 results in 0.05.

The teaching slides progress to two-digit numbers, illustrating that when numbers like 72, 82, and 93 are divided by 100, the digits are again moved two places to the right, resulting in decimal numbers 0.72, 0.82, and 0.93, respectively. These exercises help students visualise and understand how the value of digits changes when they are moved across different place value columns. Additional reasoning activities challenge students to identify patterns in sequences of division by 100 and to explain their mathematical thinking. For instance, when dividing 3,500 by 100, the pattern shows that the result is ten times greater than dividing 350 by 100, due to the consistent divisor. The resources also prompt students to engage in discussions about the role of zeros in division, the effects of dividing by 10 and 100, and the representation of numbers on different types of charts, fostering a deeper comprehension of decimals and division.

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