Decimals - Divide 1-Digit by 10 - Presentation
Maths Resource Description
The educational resource provides a comprehensive lesson on dividing 1-digit numbers by 10, with a specific focus on decimals. The lesson includes a series of Fluency & Reasoning Teaching Slides that guide students through the concept of decimal place value and division. Students are prompted to consider whether dividing by 10 makes a number smaller or larger, and to explain their reasoning. The lesson is structured to encourage discussion and utilise visual aids such as place value charts and counters to demonstrate the process of division by 10. Through these interactive methods, students learn that when a number is divided by 10, its digits move one place to the right on the place value chart, thus reducing the number's value tenfold.
Several activities are designed to reinforce this understanding, where students use counters to represent 1-digit numbers on place value charts, including columns for tens, ones, tenths, and hundredths. By physically moving the counters to the right, students can visually grasp the concept of division by 10. The activities also incorporate problem-solving exercises, where students are tasked with dividing various 1-digit numbers by 10 and filling in the blanks to complete equations. Additionally, the lesson introduces the Gattegno chart, another visual tool, to further explain division by 10. Students are encouraged to discuss and compare the different methods, identifying which is more efficient and how they are similar or different. This structured approach aims to build a solid foundation in understanding decimals and division by 10, fostering both fluency and reasoning skills in mathematics.