Decimals - Tenths on a Place Value Grid - Presentation

Year 4
Decimals - Tenths on a Place Value Grid - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In this interactive lesson on decimals, students delve into the concept of tenths using a place value grid. The lesson is structured to enhance students' fluency and reasoning skills through a series of engaging activities. Initially, they are tasked with completing stem sentences to identify the number of ones and tenths represented on the place value grid, thus reinforcing their understanding of decimal notation. For example, if the grid shows 0 ones and 5 tenths, the students would complete the sentence to express that the decimal represented is 0.5. This methodical approach helps students visualise and comprehend how decimals are constructed and how they relate to whole numbers and fractions.

Moving forward, the lesson provides opportunities for hands-on learning, where students use counters or place value counters to create decimals on a place value grid. They are encouraged to explore various combinations, such as 0.2, 1.2, or 0.8, and to discuss the similarities and differences between these decimals. Additionally, students are prompted to consider how many tenths make a whole and the significance of the decimal point in separating ones from tenths. Through activities like these, students not only learn to read and write decimals but also deepen their understanding of the base-ten number system and the place value concept.

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