Decimals - Divide 1 or 2 Digits by 100 - Planning

Year 4
Decimals - Divide 1 or 2 Digits by 100 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The Year 4 spring term lesson on dividing 1 or 2-digit numbers by 100 aims to deepen students' understanding of decimals and fractions, specifically focusing on hundredths. The National Curriculum objectives for this lesson include counting in hundredths, recognizing how hundredths arise from division by one hundred, and understanding the effects of dividing numbers by 10 and 100. Students will identify the value of digits in the answer as ones, tenths, and hundredths. Key vocabulary such as 'decimal', 'decimal point', 'place-value chart', and 'hundredths', among others, are crucial to the unit and are reinforced throughout the lesson. Resources like worksheets and presentations aid in teaching, while vocabulary cards and definitions are available for additional support.

The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning, where students are reminded that dividing by 100 makes a number 100 times smaller and requires the digits to move two places to the right on a place-value chart. Using counters, students visualize this movement and the role of zero as a place holder. In the first activity, they practice dividing 1-digit numbers by 100, moving counters to understand the change in value. The second activity extends this concept to 2-digit numbers. Reasoning exercises challenge students to identify patterns in number sentences and to articulate their understanding. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging, ensuring that the key takeaways from the lesson are consolidated.

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