Decimals - Hundredths on a Place value Grid - Planning

Year 4
Decimals - Hundredths on a Place value Grid - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Year 4 curriculum, a lesson is dedicated to understanding hundredths, particularly focusing on their representation on a place-value grid. This forms part of the Spring term's focus on fractions, specifically in the third week. The lesson begins with a review of past learning and then swiftly moves on to hands-on activities where children use concrete resources, such as counters, to create numbers with tenths and hundredths. They then translate these physical representations into decimal form. Worksheets, presentations, and vocabulary cards are provided as resources to support learning, with key terms including 'decimal', 'decimal point', 'place-value chart', 'tenths', and 'hundredths'.

Throughout the lesson, children engage in a series of activities designed to deepen their understanding of decimals. They start by writing decimals as represented on a place-value grid, and then they describe decimal numbers using sentence stems. Subsequent activities involve representing decimals on a place-value chart and in a part-whole model, encouraging discussion on the different ways to partition these numbers. The lesson aims to clarify the concept of hundredths and their relation to tenths, addressing common misconceptions and reinforcing learning through independent practice with differentiated worksheets. The plenary includes a reflection on what has been learned, the skills used, and the challenges faced, ensuring students remember the key points about placing hundredths on a place-value grid and using part-whole models.

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