Decimals - Recognizing Hundredths - Planning

Year 4
Decimals -  Recognizing Hundredths - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the Year 4 Spring term, students are introduced to the concept of hundredths during their second week of learning about fractions. This lesson aims to help children understand that hundredths represent one whole divided into one hundred equal parts, and that one tenth is equivalent to ten hundredths. Key resources such as worksheets, presentations, counters, and place value charts support the lesson, and students are encouraged to engage with the provided vocabulary cards for terms like 'decimal', 'hundredths', and 'place value holder'. The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning and then moves on to use a number line to count in hundredths and to represent tenths and hundredths visually.

Students participate in a range of activities to reinforce their understanding of hundredths. They complete number lines, sequence tasks, and discuss why one sequence features a denominator of 10. The lesson also includes the use of fractions to fill in number lines and the exploration of a Rekenrek, a teaching tool that visually represents one whole with 100 beads, to further illustrate the concept of hundredths. Key questions prompt students to think about the relationship between tenths and hundredths and how to use Base 10 to distinguish between them. The lesson is designed to cater for different levels of understanding, with activities ranging from counting hundredths with given starting points to counting in sequences other than ones, thus providing a pathway for students to progress from working towards expected levels to achieving greater depth in their understanding of decimals and hundredths.

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