Decimals - Divide 1-Digit by 10 - Planning
Maths Resource Description
The Year 4 curriculum for Spring introduces students to the concept of decimals, specifically focusing on the division of 1-digit numbers by 10 during the second week. The National Curriculum objectives for this lesson include counting in hundredths, understanding how hundredths arise from dividing tenths by ten, and grasping the effects of dividing a number by 10 or 100, while recognising the value of digits in the answer as ones, tenths, and hundredths. Key vocabulary for the unit encompasses terms such as 'decimal', 'decimal point', 'tenths', 'hundredths', and various mathematical models and charts that help visualise place value and number partitioning. The lesson's resources consist of worksheets and a presentation to facilitate learning.
The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning, followed by a class teaching input where the concept of dividing a 1-digit number by 10 is introduced. Children are taught that dividing by 10 makes a number ten times smaller and that the digits move one place to the right on a place value chart, with zero acting as a place value holder. During the independent learning phase, students utilise place value charts to divide 1-digit numbers by 10 and engage in reasoning activities to deepen their understanding. The plenary session involves a 'Give me five' reflection where students consider what they have learnt, the skills they have used, any challenges faced, and key takeaways from the lesson. Differentiated worksheets are provided to cater to varying levels of proficiency, from working towards basic understanding to achieving greater depth in the topic.