Fractions - Count in fractions - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The "Count in Fractions" worksheet is a comprehensive educational resource designed to help Year 6 students understand and practice counting using fractions. The objective aligns with the National Curriculum, focusing on counting up and down in fractions and recognizing that fractions represent division of an object into parts. To facilitate learning, differentiated sheets and teaching slides are available, and cubes may be used for hands-on activities. The key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as fractions, number line, order, improper, and mixed numbers.
During the lesson, children explore fractions greater than one on a number line, making connections between improper and mixed numbers. They use cubes and bar models to visualize fractions greater than a whole, which aids in understanding addition and subtraction of fractions exceeding one. The worksheet prompts students to write the next two fractions in a sequence, determining if the sequence is ascending or descending. This exercise not only reinforces their counting skills but also introduces them to the concept of improper fractions and mixed numbers, enhancing their fluency and precision in handling fractions.