Fractions - Fractions of a quantity - Planning

Year 4
Fractions - Fractions of a quantity - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a Year 4 mathematics lesson centred around fractions of a quantity, students embark on a journey to understand both unit and non-unit fractions. The lesson begins with a review of previous concepts, where students are reminded that a unit fraction has a numerator of one, whereas a non-unit fraction can have any digit as its numerator. The class is taught the rule for calculating fractions of a quantity: divide the total amount by the denominator and then multiply by the numerator. This process is visually reinforced using a bar model to illustrate how quantities are divided into equal parts. Students are then given practical exercises, such as a word problem involving Jeff and his oranges, where they use counters to physically represent and calculate fractions of the given amounts.

Further into the lesson, children are encouraged to use the bar model to represent and find fractions of different amounts, enhancing their understanding through visual aids. In the subsequent activity, they calculate fractions of amounts, being mindful to read the problems carefully to determine the correct operations to use. The lesson also includes a reasoning component, where students discuss in pairs whether certain statements about fractions are true or false, thereby deepening their comprehension. To cater to varying levels of proficiency, differentiated worksheets are provided, allowing children to progress from working with concrete and pictorial representations to tackling abstract methods. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' plenary, prompting students to consider what they have learned, the skills they found challenging, and the strategies that aided their learning, ensuring they remember the key concepts moving forward.

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