Multiplication and Division - Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit – No exchanging - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet provides a structured approach to teaching Year 6 students how to multiply two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers without the need for exchanging. The National Curriculum objective is for students to write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division using known multiplication tables, progressing from mental to formal written methods. The resources required for this lesson include differentiated sheets and teaching slides, ensuring that all students can access the learning at an appropriate level.
Key vocabulary terms such as multiplication, repeated addition, formal method, partitioning, calculations, and representation are introduced to support understanding. Students use concrete manipulatives to visualise the multiplication process, applying the formal method of column multiplication in tandem with these representations. They also utilise partitioning to break down numbers and solve calculations. The worksheet encourages the use of place value counters to aid in the multiplication process. To deepen understanding, students are prompted with questions about the link between multiplication and addition, the role of partitioning in multiplication, and how the written method corresponds with concrete representations. The worksheet is designed to guide students through fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving tasks, gradually building their confidence and precision in multiplication.