Multiplication and Division - Multiply and Divide by 7 - Worksheet

Year 4
Multiplication and Division - Multiply and Divide by 7 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In this engaging and educational worksheet, students in Year 6 are tasked with mastering multiplication and division by 7. The National Curriculum objective is to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12 and to recognise and use factor pairs and commutativity in mental calculations. To aid their learning, differentiated sheets and teaching slides are provided, along with concrete resources if necessary. The vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as multiplication, division, commutativity, inverse, and represent. Students are encouraged to utilise their understanding of equal groups and concrete or pictorial methods to solve multiplication calculations and problems, while also exploring the commutative property and the inverse relationship between multiplication and division.

As part of the lesson, children are invited to colour in multiples of 7 to assist them in answering the questions provided. They review the use of number pieces to represent calculations and apply the 7 times table to solve problems on the worksheet, which includes simple word problems. For example, they might calculate the cost of carrots at 7p each or determine how many puzzle pieces are shared among seven children. The worksheet not only encourages fluency in calculations but also challenges students with reasoning and problem-solving tasks, such as identifying patterns when counting in 7s from different starting points and using number shapes to represent calculations in multiple ways. This comprehensive approach helps deepen their understanding of the concepts and enhances their mathematical skills.

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