Multiplication and Division - 9 times tables and division facts - Worksheet

Year 4
Multiplication and Division - 9 times tables and division facts - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The '9 Times-Tables and Division Facts' worksheet is a comprehensive resource aimed at helping Year 6 students master their multiplication and division facts, specifically focusing on the 9 times table. The National Curriculum objective for this lesson is to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12. The worksheet provides differentiated sheets and teaching slides to cater to various learning levels, from 'Working Towards' to 'Greater Depth'. Key vocabulary terms such as 'multiplication', 'division', 'multiples', and 'calculation' are introduced to enhance the children's mathematical lexicon.

Students are encouraged to use known times table facts to become fluent with the 9 times table, such as recognising that each multiple of 9 is one less than the equivalent multiple of 10. This knowledge is then applied to derive related facts. The worksheet includes a range of activities, from filling in missing values and identifying multiples of 9 using a hundred square grid, to solving word problems and completing calculations with given symbols and numbers. The exercises are designed to reinforce the relationship between multiplication and division facts, and to help students notice patterns, such as the sum of the digits in multiples of 9 always equalling 9. The worksheet also challenges students with reasoning and problem-solving questions, encouraging them to apply their understanding of the 9 times table in various contexts.

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