Multiplication and Division - Multiply and divide by 9 - Worksheet

Year 4
Multiplication and Division - Multiply and divide by 9 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The worksheet titled "Multiply and Divide by 9" is designed to enhance the fluency and precision of Year 6 students in their understanding of multiplication and division facts up to the 12×12 times tables. Students are encouraged to use differentiated sheets and teaching slides, with the option of concrete resources to aid learning. Key vocabulary such as 'multiplication', 'division', 'lots of', 'groups', 'represent', 'times table facts', and 'calculation' are central to the lesson. The worksheet aims to help children become proficient with the 9 times table and to apply this knowledge in various contexts, including word problems that may require mental calculations through partitioning.

Students are prompted with key questions to deepen their understanding, such as the use of concrete or pictorial representations to solve problems, linking facts to other times tables, and understanding the meaning of numbers in a calculation. The activities involve completing fact families and solving word problems that go beyond the times tables, such as calculating the total cost of boxes of apples at £9 each or determining the number of piles of cubes in a stockroom. The worksheet also includes reasoning and problem-solving sections where students are asked to verify the truth of given statements and explain their reasoning, further solidifying their comprehension of the relationship between multiplication and division, particularly concerning the number 9.

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