Multiplication and Division - Multiply and Divide by 3 - Worksheet

Year 4
Multiplication and Division - Multiply and Divide by 3 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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This worksheet focuses on the multiplication and division of numbers by 3, aimed at enhancing the fluency and precision of students in their mathematical calculations. The National Curriculum objective is to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4, and 8 times tables. To facilitate learning, resources such as differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and concrete objects are recommended for use. The key vocabulary for this lesson includes terms such as multiplication, division, multiples, equal groups, inverse, share, and group. Children explore the concept of division by distributing items into three equal groups or forming groups of three, using both concrete and pictorial representations and verifying their answers through the understanding of inverse operations.

The worksheet provides a series of word problems that require students to divide quantities by 3. Using visual aids like circles, students can share out the given quantity and then formulate the corresponding division sentence. For instance, questions may ask how many treats three dogs would get if they shared a certain number of dog treats, or how many children should be in each of three circles in the playground if a specified number of children are to be distributed evenly. The worksheet encourages students to show their number sentences and working out, thus reinforcing their division skills. The worksheet is designed to cater to different levels of understanding, with tasks set for those working towards expected levels, working within them, and those demonstrating greater depth in their understanding.

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