Multiplication and Division - Divide by 1 - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The "Divide by 1" worksheet is an educational resource aimed at enhancing students' understanding of division, particularly when dividing by 1 or by the number itself. The National Curriculum objective covered by this lesson is to use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally, which includes multiplying by 0 and 1, dividing by 1, and multiplying three numbers together. To facilitate learning, differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and concrete resources are provided. The lesson introduces key vocabulary such as division, concrete and pictorial representation, sharing, grouping, greater than, lesser than, equal to, and bar model.
Students explore the concept that dividing a number by 1 results in the number itself, and dividing a number by itself yields 1. Through concrete and pictorial representations, they learn how division can be conceptualized as either sharing or grouping. For instance, dividing 5 by 1 means grouping 5 into 1s, which equals 5 (5 ÷ 1 = 5), while dividing 5 by 5 means grouping 5 into 5s, which equals 1 (5 ÷ 5 = 1). The worksheet prompts students to answer key questions about sharing and grouping, write worded questions, and use bar models to visually represent and solve problems. This approach helps students to grasp the concepts of division and comparison, applying them to different scenarios and word problems, thereby developing their fluency, precision, reasoning, and problem-solving skills.