Multiplication and Division - 7 times tables and division facts - Presentation

Year 4
Multiplication and Division - 7 times tables and division facts - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a comprehensive set of teaching slides, students are invited to master the 7 times table along with its corresponding division facts. The lesson is structured to encourage fluency and reasoning, starting with a basic multiplication fact, such as 7 x 4 = 28, and leading students to discover the related division fact. The slides are filled with a variety of activities, each designed to reinforce the connection between multiplication and division. For instance, students are asked to calculate products like 400 x 7 and 40 x 7, using their understanding of the 7 times table to simplify these calculations. The activities build on each other, helping students recognise patterns and apply their knowledge to larger numbers.

As the lesson progresses, students engage in different scenarios that require the application of the 7 times table and division facts. They work through reasoning tasks that challenge them to verify the truth of certain statements, such as 7 x 6 being equal to 7 x 3 x 2, and to use visual aids like bar models to prove their answers. Further exercises include writing fact families for given scenarios, such as finding the number of girls and boys in groups of seven, and scaling this understanding up to calculate totals for 10, 100, and even 200 groups. The lesson encourages independent thinking by asking students to use related facts to solve problems, write down their observations, and articulate how knowledge of one multiplication fact can aid in solving others. The aim is to deepen their understanding of number relationships and enhance their mathematical fluency.

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