Multiplication and Division - Divide 3-digits by 1-digit - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In a Year 4 mathematics lesson focused on division, students are introduced to the concept of dividing 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. The lesson builds on their existing knowledge of dividing 2-digit numbers, encouraging them to apply and extend these skills. Key resources such as Base 10 blocks, place value counters, and charts are used to visually support the children's understanding of the process. The lesson begins with a recap of previous learning, where students are reminded of the division method used for 2-digit numbers, and then they are guided to apply this method to 3-digit numbers, with a particular focus on dividing numbers both with and without remainders.
The class teaching input explores two methods of division. The first activity revisits the familiar method used for 2-digit numbers, ensuring continuity in learning. The second activity introduces the concept of flexible partitioning, which helps students understand that numbers can be broken down in various ways to simplify division. For example, the number 981 can be partitioned into 800 and 181, rather than the standard 900, 80, and 1, to make division by 4 more manageable. Through hands-on practice with place value counters and differentiated worksheets, students learn to divide and find remainders effectively. The plenary session encourages reflection on what has been learned, the skills used, and any challenges faced, with a focus on ensuring students remember the key concepts and strategies from the lesson. Differentiated activities cater to various levels of understanding, from those working towards the expected level to those capable of greater depth, allowing each child to progress at their own pace.