Multiplication and Division - Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (Remainders) - Planning
Maths Resource Description
The curriculum for Year 4 students in their Spring term of Multiplication & Division includes a lesson focused on dividing two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers, with an emphasis on understanding remainders. National Curriculum objectives for this lesson include recalling multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12, using place value and known facts to perform mental arithmetic, and recognising factor pairs and commutativity in calculations. Key vocabulary such as 'division', 'remainders', and 'exchange' is introduced, with resources available to support learning.
The lesson begins with a recap on division, introducing the concept of remainders as the part left over after division. To aid comprehension, visual aids like number pieces and lolly sticks are used. The first activity has children using lolly sticks to explore how many complete squares can be made, with the leftover sticks representing the remainder. The next activity encourages the use of repeated subtraction on a number line as an alternative division method. The third activity involves a place value chart and counters to help students divide numbers like 94 by 4, with a practical demonstration of exchanging tens for ones to find the remainder. Independent learning is supported by differentiated worksheets, and the lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' session, where students consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, and any challenges they faced. The depth of understanding is assessed through various tasks, from identifying remainders using place value counters to solving word problems that involve remainders.