Multiplication and Division - Multiply and Divide by 7 - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In the third week of the Autumn term, Year 4 students delve into multiplying and dividing by 7 as part of their Multiplication and Division curriculum. The lesson is equipped with a variety of resources, including number shapes, a chart or whiteboard, worksheets, and a presentation to facilitate learning. The key vocabulary for this lesson encompasses terms such as 'multiplication', 'division', 'commutativity', 'inverse', and 'represent', with additional vocabulary cards and definitions available for reinforcement. The lesson begins with a starter activity where students answer 'fluent in four' questions to review their understanding of multiplication and division concepts.
During the class teaching input, students are encouraged to use their knowledge of multiplication and division to engage with the number 7, counting in 7s and applying concrete and pictorial methods to solve relevant calculations and problems. The lesson activities are designed to reinforce the relationship between multiplication and division, exploring the commutative property and the concept of inverse operations. In Activity 1, children use number shapes to represent and understand the multiplication of 7 in different orders. Activity 2 involves solving word problems and understanding the family link between multiplication and division. The third activity challenges students to differentiate between multiplication and division problems. The lesson concludes with a plenary session where students reflect on what they've learned, the skills they've applied, and any challenges faced, ensuring they remember key concepts moving forward. Differentiated worksheets cater to varying levels of understanding, from working towards fluency to achieving greater depth in the subject matter.