Multiplication and Division - Multiply and Divide by 3 - Planning
Maths Resource Description
Lesson 7 in the Year 4 Autumn curriculum for Multiplication and Division focuses on teaching students to multiply and divide by 3. Utilising resources such as Numicon, cubes, worksheets, and a presentation, this lesson aims to strengthen students' understanding of multiplication and division through a variety of methods. Students begin by recapping their Year 2 objective of counting in threes, with oral practice both forwards and backwards. The key vocabulary introduced includes terms like 'repeated addition', 'multiplication', 'division', and 'array', which are crucial for grasping the mathematical concepts presented. Students are encouraged to use concrete and pictorial methods to solve problems, starting with practical partner work to represent counting in threes with Numicon and cubes, and extending to creating bar models for visual representation of the problems.
Throughout the lesson, students engage in activities that help them understand multiplication as repeated addition and division as forming equal groups. They are prompted to arrange counters in arrays and use stem sentences to describe their actions, reinforcing their learning. The lesson is structured to cater to different levels of proficiency, with activities designed for those working towards, at expected level, and at greater depth. Students are given word problems to solve, which involve multiplying and dividing by 3, and are encouraged to use known facts to find solutions. Key questions guide the students to think critically about the problems and to use concrete apparatus to demonstrate their understanding. The lesson also aims to address common misconceptions such as the difference between equal and unequal groups, accurate counting in threes, and the non-commutative nature of division as opposed to multiplication.