Multiplication and Division - Multiply by 10 - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In a Year 4 mathematics lesson centred around multiplication and division, students delve into the concept of multiplying numbers by 10. The National Curriculum objectives set the stage for the lesson by emphasising the use of place value and known facts for mental arithmetic, specifically multiplying by 0 and 1, as well as dividing by 1. The key vocabulary introduces terms such as 'multiplication', 'division', 'decimals', and 'product', among others, to equip students with the language necessary for the topic. The lesson utilises various resources, including counters, a whiteboard or place value chart, worksheets, and a presentation, to facilitate learning.
The lesson begins with a 'Small step Starter' to recap previous learning and ensure that students are familiar with the concept of making a number ten times bigger, equating it to 'multiply by 10'. The term 'ten lots of' is used to help students visualise the multiplication process. Activities are designed to help students recognise patterns when multiplying by 10, using counters and place value charts to demonstrate the shift of digits to the right and the misconception of simply adding a zero to the end of a number. The lesson is structured to cater to different levels of understanding, from 'Working Towards' to 'Greater Depth', with activities ranging from matching statements to bar models to explaining commutative calculations. A reflective 'Give me five' plenary encourages students to consider what they have learned, the skills they have used, and any challenges they faced, ensuring that key concepts are retained beyond the lesson.