Addition and Subtraction - Subtract four digit numbers (more than one exchange) - Planning

Year 4
Addition and Subtraction - Subtract four digit numbers (more than one exchange) - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the third week of the Autumn term, Year 4 students delve into the complexities of subtracting four-digit numbers, specifically focusing on scenarios that require more than one exchange. The curriculum objectives for this week are to add and subtract numbers up to four digits using formal written methods, estimate and use the inverse operation to verify answers, and to solve two-step problems involving addition and subtraction. Key vocabulary such as 'exchange', 'subtraction', 'difference', and 'place value' are emphasised to ensure students grasp the essential terms. The lesson utilises place value counters and grids as resources, alongside worksheets and a presentation to guide learning.

The lesson begins with a 'fluent in four' questions starter, which encourages students to discuss the meaning of 'difference' and prepares them for the main activity where they will need to exchange between columns during subtraction. Students are encouraged to use practical resources to build and understand the calculations before attempting the column method. In the second activity, students work on finding missing numbers by subtracting the addend from the sum, reinforcing their understanding through independent differentiated activities. To consolidate learning, key questions prompt students to consider the strategies used when digits need to be exchanged. The lesson caters to varying levels of ability, with tailored exercises that range from understanding a single exchange to tackling problems involving exchanges with all numbers, thereby addressing different depths of understanding.

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