Place value - Ordering numbers - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The provided worksheet is a comprehensive resource for teaching Year 6 students how to order and compare numbers beyond 1,000, aligning with the National Curriculum objective. It includes differentiated activity sheets and teaching slides to cater to various learning levels. The lesson's vocabulary encompasses terms such as 'order', 'ascending', 'descending', 'greatest', 'smallest', 'represent', and 'strategy', which are crucial for understanding the concepts being taught. Students will engage in tasks that require them to arrange numbers in both ascending and descending order, utilising different representations such as pictorial images, Roman numerals, and number sentences to deepen their understanding.
Key questions posed during the lesson encourage critical thinking, including inquiries about the greatest and smallest numbers within a set and the reasoning behind the chosen order. Students are expected to articulate the strategies they used to solve the problems. The worksheet provides various scenarios where children must order three or four numbers, with some exercises incorporating mixed pictorial representations and number sentences. The goal is for students to become fluent in ordering numbers and to develop precision in their mathematical reasoning, with activities designed for those working towards expected levels, working within expected levels, and those capable of greater depth analysis.