Place value - Number lines - Starter

Year 4
Place value - Number lines - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the context of a Year 4 mathematics lesson, students are presented with a series of exercises to reinforce their understanding of place value and number lines. They are tasked with calculating and manipulating numbers to enhance their fluency in basic arithmetic operations. For instance, one of the exercises requires students to deconstruct the number 439, identifying the digits necessary to represent it correctly in terms of hundreds, tens, and ones. Another exercise prompts them to explore the concept of equivalent fractions, encouraging them to think critically about the different ways fractions can represent the same value.

Additionally, students are asked to consider a scenario where they have zero hundreds, thirty-four tens, and forty-seven ones, and they must determine the resulting number from these place value components. Through multiplication exercises, such as 6 x 7 and 7 x 6, and division problems represented by blank spaces over 7 or 6, students practice their times tables and division facts. The use of arrays in these exercises helps to visualise the multiplication process and aids in completing number sentences. The lesson is designed to solidify foundational numeracy skills and to encourage students to recognise patterns and relationships between numbers.

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