Place value - Ordering numbers - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In an engaging Year 4 mathematics lesson focused on place value, students are tasked with ordering numbers. They are introduced to key vocabulary such as 'ascending', 'descending', 'greatest', 'smallest', and 'represent', which are essential to understanding the concept. Base 10 blocks and counters serve as practical resources, while worksheets and a presentation further aid learning. The lesson begins with a recap of previous knowledge and a review of Roman numerals, which may appear during the activities. Students are encouraged to use counters to create and then order four-digit numbers on a place value grid, discussing the significance of each digit's value in both ascending and descending order.
The lesson progresses with a practical activity where students work on ordering representations of numbers, starting with the thousands place to determine the correct sequence. This hands-on approach is complemented by independent work and partner discussions, which help to solidify the ordering process and address common misconceptions, such as misjudging the size of a number based on its first digit alone. The plenary involves identifying errors in ordering and reinforcing strategies for correct number placement. Students reflect on their learning through a 'Give me five' activity, where they consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, any challenges faced, and the support that helped them during the lesson. Differentiated activities cater to various levels of understanding, from working towards expectations to achieving greater depth, with tasks ranging from ordering pictorial and Roman numeral representations to tackling mixed pictorial images and number sentences.