Place value - Number line estimation - Planning

Year 4
Place value - Number line estimation - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the second week of the Autumn term, Year 4 students delve into the concept of place value with a particular focus on number line estimation. The lesson begins with a review of prior knowledge, followed by a practical activity where students use blank number lines ranging from 0 to 10,000. They are tasked with estimating the positions of various numbers, using number cards to assist them. The children are encouraged to articulate their estimation strategies and to understand the significance of the numbers at either end of the number line. By counting the intervals between these numbers, students learn to determine the value each line represents. Partner discussions are incorporated to deepen understanding of intervals and to facilitate the application of this knowledge in subsequent activities.

Throughout the lesson, students are guided to use different strategies for placing numbers on a number line when intervals are not marked. They practice writing down possible numbers within a range and then, working in pairs, estimate the positions of these numbers on the line. The lesson emphasises the importance of calculating the midpoint of a number line to aid in estimation, with the concept of halving this value again for more precise placement. Independent work on differentiated worksheets allows students to apply these strategies, with the complexity of tasks varying based on their level of understanding. The plenary session addresses key questions and common misconceptions related to estimation, while a reflection activity prompts students to consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, and the strategies they will remember for future lessons.

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