Describe positions on the full coordinate grid 3 - Reasoning

Year 6
Describe positions on the full coordinate grid 3 - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

The task at hand involves identifying the coordinates of points A and B on a full coordinate grid, which is an essential aspect of geometry focusing on position and direction. This particular activity is designed to enhance students' reasoning skills as they navigate through the Cartesian plane. The exercise presents a figure comprising two identical rectangles, and the students are required to determine the precise location of the points marked as A and B by interpreting their positions in relation to the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axes.

After observing the grid, the coordinates of point A are found to be at (-3,2), which means that point A is located three units to the left of the origin along the x-axis and two units above the origin along the y-axis. Similarly, point B is positioned at (-2,2), indicating it is two units to the left of the origin on the x-axis and two units above the origin on the y-axis. By finding these coordinates, students demonstrate their understanding of how to read and interpret positions on the coordinate grid, a fundamental skill in the study of geometry.