Describe positions on the full coordinate grid - Reasoning

Year 6
Describe positions on the full coordinate grid - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In this geometry exercise focused on position and direction, students are tasked with identifying possible coordinates that satisfy given conditions. The scenario presents Malachi considering a coordinate point with specific characteristics: the x-coordinate must be greater than -3, and the y-coordinate must be a prime number less than 4. Additionally, the point is located in the second quadrant of the coordinate grid. Rosie, a character in the exercise, believes there are five possible answers to Malachi's conditions.

Upon analysis, the correct answers are the points that meet all the criteria set by Malachi. Since the point lies in the second quadrant, the x-coordinate must be negative, and the y-coordinate must be positive. Given that the only prime numbers less than 4 are 2 and 3, and considering that the x-coordinate must be greater than -3, the possible points are (-2,3), (-2,2), (-1,3), and (-1,2). Therefore, there are indeed four possible answers, not five as Rosie suggested. This disagreement with Rosie's statement is based on the logical deduction of the conditions provided for the coordinates, taking into account the definition of prime numbers and the properties of the second quadrant on a coordinate grid.