Draw and translate simple shapes 6 - Reasoning

Year 6
Draw and translate simple shapes 6 - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

In a geometry task focused on position and direction, students are presented with the challenge of understanding transformations of shapes on a coordinate grid. Specifically, they must examine the movement of a trapezium, labeled as 'Trapezium A', which has undergone a reflection across the x-axis and then a translation to become 'Trapezium B'. The task requires students to accurately describe the translation that has occurred from the original position of Trapezium A to the new position of Trapezium B. After reflection, the trapezium has been moved: it has been translated 2 units to the left and 4 units down.

Additionally, the students are tasked with identifying the new coordinates of specific vertices of the trapezium after it has been transformed. The vertices that were initially covered by the trapezium before the transformation now have new coordinates as a result of the reflection and translation. The new coordinates of these covered vertices are given as (-3,1) and (-4,4). This exercise not only reinforces the concepts of reflection and translation but also the skill of locating and describing positions on a coordinate plane.