Draw and translate simple shapes 4 - Reasoning

Year 6
Draw and translate simple shapes 4 - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

In a geometry exercise focused on position and direction, students are presented with a problem involving the transformation of shapes on a coordinate plane. Rosie, a character in the problem, is tasked with manipulating a shape by translating and reflecting it across the x-axis. The question posed to the students is whether Rosie has correctly performed the transformation as required.

The answer provided indicates that Rosie's attempt was incorrect. While she managed to translate the shape to the other side of the x-axis, she failed to reflect it as the task demanded. Reflection over the x-axis implies that each point of the original shape should be mirrored across the axis, creating a symmetrical image on the opposite side. Students are encouraged to explain the reasoning behind Rosie's mistake, which requires an understanding of both translation (sliding a shape along a plane) and reflection (flipping a shape over a line to produce a mirror image). The exercise challenges students to apply their knowledge of these geometric transformations and to articulate the properties of each process.