Draw and translate simple shapes 3 - Reasoning

Year 6
Draw and translate simple shapes 3 - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

In this geometry task, students are challenged with understanding the effects of translation and reflection on a shape within a coordinate grid. The exercise requires them to reverse-engineer the movements that have led to the shape's current position. Initially, the shape has been translated 2 units to the left and then reflected across the x-axis. The coordinates given, (-4,-4), (-4,-5), (-1,-5), (-1,-7), (0,-7), and (0,-4), represent the final position of the shape's vertices after these transformations.

To determine the original position of the shape, students must work backwards by first reflecting the shape across the x-axis and then translating it 2 units to the right. This reverse process will allow them to find the original coordinates of the shape's vertices. Once they have calculated these, they are instructed to draw the original shape on the grid, accurately placing it according to the newly found coordinates. This activity not only tests their understanding of geometric transformations but also reinforces their ability to navigate and utilise the coordinate plane.