Draw and translate simple shapes - Reasoning

Year 6
Draw and translate simple shapes - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

In a geometry exercise focused on position and direction, students are tasked with evaluating a statement made by Leanna regarding the translation of a triangle on a coordinate grid. Leanna claims to have translated triangle ABC 7 units up and 2 units to the right, resulting in a new position for the triangle, which she indicates as the green triangle on the grid. However, upon reviewing her statement and the corresponding movement on the grid, it is determined that Leanna's translation of the triangle is incorrect. Instead of moving the triangle 7 units up and 2 units to the right as she believed, she actually moved it 7 units to the right and 2 units up.

The exercise is designed to test students' understanding of translating shapes on a coordinate plane. To correctly translate a shape, one must move it a specific number of units in a given direction along the axes. In this case, the correct translation of triangle ABC to match Leanna's intended outcome would require shifting the triangle 2 units to the right and 7 units up, not the other way around. Students are expected to analyse the movement, identify the error in Leanna's translation, and explain the discrepancy between her description and the actual translation she performed on the grid.